
Ask a doctor on the topic of Gynecology

Forgot to take a pill - likelihood of pregnancy


I had sexual intercourse with my boyfriend last night. I forgot to take my pill that evening and took it this morning. However, there is a difference of about 14 hours from the usual intake time. I had my period last week and started taking the pill again on Saturday. What is the risk of pregnancy for me in this situation? Especially considering that I forgot to take it on the evening of intercourse.

Thank you in advance for a quick response,

Dr. med. Susanne Plotz

Dear inquirer,
I can understand your concern very well. As you may already know, the manufacturers of the pills recommend that if you forget to take a pill, it should be taken within 12 hours of the usual time. In your case, 14 hours have passed. This means that the effectiveness of contraception is no longer guaranteed. And since you had intercourse, this theoretically means that a pregnancy could have occurred. Although you are in the first half of your cycle, before ovulation, in medicine, there is always a possibility. I recommend visiting your gynecologist. Although they may not be able to confirm a pregnancy today, they can discuss whether the "morning-after pill" could be an alternative in your case.
Unfortunately, this is the only way to ensure that a pregnancy does not occur.
I hope I could help you and wish you all the best.
Warm regards,
Susanne Plotz

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Experte für Gynecology

Dr. med. Susanne Plotz

Dr. med. Susanne Plotz


Ausgestattet mit jahrelanger, klinischer Erfahrung im Bereich Gynäkologie und Kinderheilkunde, Beraterin mit Leidenschaft, Gesundheitsexpertin, Autorin mehrerer medizinischer und nicht medizinischer Bücher, bin ich für SIE da!

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