
Ask a doctor on the topic of Gynecology

Desire for a baby

In 1998, I had my fallopian tubes cut during a cesarean section. Now, since 2003, I have a new partner and we wish to have a child together. My question is, what options do I have to become pregnant? And will my health insurance cover this procedure?

Thank you in advance.



Juliane Theben

Dear inquirer,

I can understand your desire very well and there are two ways to become pregnant again:
1.) There are clinics specialized in "re-fertilization surgeries"!!! These clinics can reconnect the previously severed fallopian tubes with the uterus in a special surgery, so that a fertilizable egg can be transported through the fallopian tube into the uterus again. However, it must be said that such a surgery does not always work with 100% certainty!!! The epithelium in the fallopian tubes is very sensitive and scar tissue can quickly form after surgical interventions, potentially leading to an ectopic pregnancy if the fertilized egg gets stuck on the scar tissue. The risk of getting an ectopic pregnancy even after a successful surgery is unfortunately increased. This is the only way to become pregnant again "naturally".
2.) Artificial insemination - your eggs and your husband's sperm are combined in a test tube and the fertilized egg is then implanted into your uterus.

I cannot say for certain whether your health insurance covers the costs of 1) or 2), as you were the one who requested the severance of the fallopian tubes in the past. I would recommend discussing both options thoroughly with your practicing gynecologist and then going to the respective center specialized in the planned procedure. The colleagues in the clinic can then forward a cost coverage request with medical indication to your insurance, which will then inform you of the percentage they will cover.

I hope this answer was helpful and wish you success in becoming pregnant again soon,

Merry Christmas,


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Experte für Gynecology

Juliane Theben

Juliane Theben


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