
Ask a doctor on the topic of Gynecology

Hormones in disarray

Good day,

I have a question regarding my hormone levels (monthly saliva test in the UK at Genova Diagnostics - I live in the UK):

- High total ESTRADIOL value: 66.9 pg/ml (30-55 pg/ml in 12 measurements over a cycle)
- TESTOSTERONE upper limit: 67.7 pg/ml (20-70 pg/ml)
- Low total CORTISOL value (4 measurements throughout the day): 20.5 nmol/l (21-41 nmol/l)
- Total DHEA lower limit (2 measurements throughout the day): 0.42 nmol/l (0.4 - 1.47 nmol/l)
- DHEA:CORTISOL ratio lower limit: 2.02 (2.0 - 6.0)

My questions are:
- How is it possible that my estradiol and testosterone levels are so high, while my DHEA levels are so low? I always thought that DHEA is the precursor hormone to estradiol and testosterone.
- Is there a way to lower my estradiol and testosterone levels?
- If my estradiol and testosterone were lower, I would immediately start taking DHEA. However, I am unsure now that if I start DHEA, I will only further increase my estradiol and testosterone levels. I have read that 7-Keto-DHEA is not converted into hormones. Is that true? And does it make sense to cautiously start with 7-Keto-DHEA? If so, how much per day?
- Is it advisable to take stimulants to increase my low cortisol levels? However, if I increase my cortisol without increasing my DHEA levels, my DHEA:Cortisol ratio will worsen.

Background information:
I am female, 40 years old, living in the UK and reaching out to you because I cannot find a doctor in my area who is knowledgeable about CFS and willing to test my hormones. That's why I had the saliva test done myself. Please do not advise me to see a doctor - if I had one here, I wouldn't be reaching out to you.

I have CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) / Fibromyalgia with multiple symptoms that run in my family, and I always have to monitor my hormone and vitamin/mineral levels as my body struggles to produce them, leading to imbalance and worsening symptoms. Thyroid levels are fine.

Thank you in advance.

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