
Ask a doctor on the topic of Gynecology

Drank alcohol.


my mom passed away a week ago. Since then, I have been trying to drink myself to sleep every night with wine. Two weeks ago, I had sex and today my period is due and the test is positive. I have been waiting for this day for over two years and now I have punished myself. Now I don't know what to do and I don't think I can handle much more negativity. What should I do? This child is my dream and I was unknowingly terribly and unforgivably irresponsible. Please help me. THANK YOU!!!

Dr. med. Susanne Plotz

Dear inquirer,
I can understand your concern very well and I don't think you were irresponsible, on the contrary! Because you couldn't have known that you were pregnant.
First of all, it depends on how much wine you consumed. One glass is quite different from a bottle. The risk of harm to the unborn baby from alcohol consumption is present, although not as large (as mentioned, it also depends on the amount). In any case, you should be closely monitored by your gynecologist to detect any potential damage early on. They can then advise you further.
But first and foremost, I hope that you can also be happy about this pregnancy, as you have been waiting for it for so long! And don't feel guilty, because the likelihood of everything turning out fine is quite high. Also, as mentioned before, you are not to blame, as you didn't know you were pregnant.
I advise you to make an appointment with your gynecologist as soon as possible to discuss the next steps.
I wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart,
best regards, Susanne Plotz

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Experte für Gynecology

Dr. med. Susanne Plotz

Dr. med. Susanne Plotz


Ausgestattet mit jahrelanger, klinischer Erfahrung im Bereich Gynäkologie und Kinderheilkunde, Beraterin mit Leidenschaft, Gesundheitsexpertin, Autorin mehrerer medizinischer und nicht medizinischer Bücher, bin ich für SIE da!

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