
Ask a doctor on the topic of Gynecology

Emergency contraceptive pill

During a first sexual encounter, the condom slipped off, so I had unprotected sex. To my knowledge, there was no ejaculation, but as far as I know, semen can still be transmitted. The contact was about 60 hours ago and I have noticed today that I am currently in the middle of my ovulation cycle, as indicated by a sticky discharge. Can the morning-after pill still help in this situation, is it important to take it today (within 72 hours) or can my gynecologist still help me tomorrow morning? I have heard that there is also a morning-after pill that works up to 5 days after. Where can I go on Sundays in Berlin for help?
Thank you and best regards, A. Pablo Vivanco

Hello. I am indeed "just" a general practitioner, but I have also studied gynecology. The pill must have been taken within 72 hours after intercourse, otherwise the effectiveness is no longer guaranteed. If the time has passed, it will not work anymore. If it is still possible to go to an emergency room today, that would be very good. Sperm can survive in the fallopian tube for 3-5 days. I wanted to help quickly, as I mentioned, I am a general practitioner, but as a medical professional, one knows these things. Good luck and take action immediately. Best regards, Pablo Vivanco.

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Experte für Gynecology Pablo Vivanco Pablo Vivanco

Kluse, Emsl

wurde in Lima, Peru geboren, habe in Peru und USA sowie Dänemark studiert und Stipendien bekommen. Danach an versch. Kliniken als Chefarzt Anästhesie und Innere Medizin gearbeitet, Später eigene Praxis als Allgemeinmediziner mit kl. Chirurgie und Naturheilkunde

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