

Regular nerve pain

Dear Sir or Madam, I have a strange pain phenomenon that I cannot classify or adjust sensibly. It all started about 1.5 years ago: - Pain in the neck (at the level of the larynx) - Chest pain - Pain in front of the ear - Occasionally a pulling sen...

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Hello, I am male, 61 years old, of normal weight. The only known problem is a benign, oversized prostate, which is being monitored by a urologist. I take Tamsulosin and Versikur. Regarding my problem: Just for your information, because I don't kn...

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Uncertainty after CT and prolonged symptoms

Hello dear medical team, About me: male; 25 years old; 1.74m; 57kg; non-smoker (for 2 years) / do not drink alcohol (for 1 year). For the past year, I have been experiencing recurrent upper abdominal symptoms in the center, slight nausea, minimal pai...

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Pancreatic cancer?

Hello, Yesterday, I noticed a larger bump above my belly button on the right side. I initially thought it was a umbilical hernia, so I went to see my doctor, who is also an internist and gastroenterologist. However, he could not find any umbilical ...

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Genital herpes - Genital herpes

Good evening, The triggering herpes virus is transmitted through contact with the blisters. However, these blisters can also be deep inside the vagina, making them not necessarily visible, and the discharge can also transmit active viruses, so a con...

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Further small symptoms

Hello Mrs. Gehring, unfortunately I have to contact you again regarding my lupus. The fear may have decreased minimally, but it still persists. I want to write down my symptoms again, some have appeared, some have disappeared. First of all, I would l...

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Chronic pancreatitis or pancreatic carcinoma

Dear team, Here are the details: Since 2007, I have been dealing with issues in my abdomen. Pain, pressure, burning, etc. Blood tests, ultrasounds, and MRIs have been done, but nothing was found. These episodes have continued. MRIs were done in 201...

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High lipase level

Hello, as part of a cancer screening examination, a comprehensive blood test was also conducted. It was found that my lipase level is at 249, with all other values being normal. Ultrasound showed nothing, and further blood analysis also showed nothin...

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Am I at risk of a heart attack?

Hello, this is a kind of continuation (partly also repetition) of my question that I already posted on Saturday. I still have a few questions - especiall...

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Lump and hard muscle strand under left armpit

Hello, two weeks ago while showering, I discovered a lump in my left armpit. It is painless and movable (so movable that sometimes it is not palpable, depending on the position of my arm). Additionally, I feel a longer, hard band in the armpit (pos...

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Strength in chair increased

Hello, I am 33 years old and have been experiencing soft and bulky stools as well as severe bloating for several weeks. A colonoscopy and abdominal ultrasound by a specialist did not show any abnormalities. Amylase, lipase, and alkaline phosphatase l...

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facial paralysis

Hello, I was operated on at the end of November 2015 due to left facial paralysis. A muscle was transplanted from the inside of the right thigh to the left cheek, and nerves were pulled from the healthy right cheek to the sick left cheek through the ...

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Blood test analysis

Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to inquire about the blood test results of my mother and the questions arising from them. +++ General condition of my mother +++ * Female, severely overweight (68 years old, 1.65 m, approximately 110 kg) * High blood...

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Gastrointestinal problems

Hello, I am a 33-year-old male. For the past 5-6 weeks, I have been experiencing diffuse stomach/intestinal symptoms such as: loss of appetite, bloating, feeling of fullness, a dull feeling in the stomach, as well as strong discomfort and sporadical...

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Yesterday, by chance, I discovered a movable, smooth, firm knot in my armpit. It is painless and measures 2.5x3 cm in size. It is not deep. The skin is neither red nor swollen. I am completely freaking out. Aren't lymph nodes usually deeper? Thank y...

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Agnolyt Madaus

Hello, I have been suffering from excessive hair growth for a long time: chin (strong), upper lip (strong), and slightly on the stomach and between the chest. Otherwise, I am a rather fair-skinned person. It started (I think) due to an eating disord...

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Hello, I have a general question about shingles. Some say that shingles only break out once. Others say that while shingles can often break out, it does not occur in the same place. Others again say that if the immune system is weakened and one is ...

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Fear of a tumor

Good morning, I went to the doctor because of a stabbing pain in my abdomen, sometimes on the level of the liver, sometimes in the lower left abdomen, and sometimes in the lower right abdomen. I already asked this question here, but I can't find pea...

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Hardening in the chest male 29

Hello, I (male, 29) have always had hardenings under both nipples. The doctor once said 15 years ago that they could be removed if they didn't disappear on their own. However, I eventually stopped paying attention to it. Recently, I noticed that a ha...

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Admission to the IMC or ICU after surgery.

Dear Sir or Madam, I have a question regarding the intensive care unit. I will soon undergo surgery (general and visceral surgery) and a surgical excision in toto of pronounced lipomatosis of the thorax and arm area will be performed. About 15-20 li...

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