
Ask a doctor on the topic of Urology

Suprapubic bladder catheter

I have a suprapubic bladder catheter and have taken a lot of antibiotics and other medications in the last months and years. Although my CRP level was 2.1 mg/l (normal range) during the last catheter change, the urologist prescribed me another antibiotic. Due to stomach problems, I could only take this antibiotic 70%. My question: Did I really need this antibiotic? Three weeks later, I was admitted to the hospital with prerenal kidney failure, with a CRP level of 39mg/l, indicating a moderate inflammation. I have read that kidney failure can be exacerbated by too many antibiotics, and a damaged kidney would be further harmed. I suspect that I may have developed antibiotic resistance. In the hospital, I received antibiotic treatment and my CRP level returned to the normal range of 5.2 mg/l. My immune system is very weak, and I hope that in the future, things will improve with less medication.

Thank you and best wishes

Dr. med. Michael Schröter

Good day,

You probably wouldn't have needed the antibiotic with a normal CRP. In general, all medications, if taken frequently and in large amounts, can trigger kidney insufficiency. The more harmful substances, the more potential harmful effects. I don't believe that you have developed an antibiotic resistance now, since the inflammatory values improved during the last antibiotic treatment in the hospital. This wouldn't happen otherwise.

I would like to recommend a high-dose vitamin C treatment for prophylaxis against infections in the bladder area. Take half a teaspoon of ascorbic acid every day and the urine will become more acidic. Bacteria do not like this and will disappear from their safe corners.

Best regards,

Dr. Schröter

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Experte für Urology

Dr. med. Michael Schröter

Dr. med. Michael Schröter


Seit 10 Jahren niedergelassener Frauenarzt, vorher Oberarzt der Universitäts-Frauenklinik Tübingen


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