
Ask a doctor on the topic of Urology


I had a vasectomy on 10.09.12. The procedure was done under short general anesthesia. My urologist explained to me that about 2 cm of the vas deferens were removed, the ends were cauterized, flipped over, and then tied together. I tolerated the procedure well without any major problems or side effects.
Yesterday, I had my 3rd sperm sample examined. While the first sample still had some fertile sperm present, there were more in the second examination. Yesterday, my doctor informed me that there should be no obstacles to achieving a desire for children.
He now suspects a third or even fourth vas deferens in me and recommends a repeat procedure. When I asked, he mentioned that the incision this time would likely be larger. He would expose the testicles completely and remove the vas deferens directly at the epididymis. Additionally, he told me that he had not experienced something like this before.
I am now more anxious about this procedure, as I fear greater problems with wound healing and possible side effects. The procedure is scheduled for 21.11.12.
Should I wait for the procedure, as there may still be remnants of sperm, and what do you anticipate the consequences of this slightly larger procedure to be?

Dr. med. Michael Schröter

Good morning,

the risk of larger operations is naturally also greater, the side effects and complications can also be greater. In fact, after such a procedure, the sperm count should decrease, so it can be assumed that there is another vas deferens here. If this needs to be approached surgically again, the planned procedure is indeed sensible. Residual stocks would decrease in number, with an increasing sperm count, there is no need to assume residual stocks. I would recommend the planned procedure to you.

All the best for your health.

Best regards,

Dr. Schröter

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Experte für Urology

Dr. med. Michael Schröter

Dr. med. Michael Schröter


Seit 10 Jahren niedergelassener Frauenarzt, vorher Oberarzt der Universitäts-Frauenklinik Tübingen


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