
Ask a doctor on the topic of Otorhinolaryngology

Palate, strange spot (see picture)

For about 4 weeks, I have a small spot on the roof of my mouth that is worrying me. The spot does not hurt. Could it possibly be an inflamed gland? I wear a CPAP mask at night and have had a very dry mouth when waking up in the past few weeks. I will see a maxillofacial surgeon on Monday. However, I am very worried if it could possibly be a form of mouth cancer (I am male, over 60, and a smoker). Is a biopsy necessary in any case, or would a brush biopsy suffice?

Dr. med. Michael Schröter


inflamed areas usually cause discomfort in some way. The area is raised and has a hole in the middle. Of course, the origin of the whole thing can come from a gland duct.

To rule out malignancy or to then possibly determine the next steps, a histological confirmation (fine tissue by biopsy) must always be performed. A cytological examination alone (brushing) is not sufficient in these cases.

I wish you all the best and a quick resolution of the problem!

Best regards,

Dr. Schröter

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Experte für Otorhinolaryngology

Dr. med. Michael Schröter

Dr. med. Michael Schröter


Seit 10 Jahren niedergelassener Frauenarzt, vorher Oberarzt der Universitäts-Frauenklinik Tübingen


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