
Ask a doctor on the topic of Orthopedics

Dizziness, headache at the back of the head


I have been suffering from headaches at the back of my head, dizziness, neck and back pain for some time. They are not always there. I always feel anxious when the dizziness occurs. I have also been examined some time ago, heart, lungs, everything is okay, blood pressure is also normal. I live a healthy lifestyle, exercise. Does this have anything to do with the diagnosis from the MRI? I will send you the report. I am male, 35 years old, slim figure. Maybe you can tell me something about the diagnosis and whether the dizziness and pain at the back of the head are related, thank you in advance.

Best regards

Dr. med Ralf von Seckendorff

Good day, I am happy to help you. The dizziness and headaches are very likely related to the MRI findings. The findings indicate disc herniations and nerve compression at different levels. This results in pain and muscle tension, which in turn can also trigger dizziness related to cervical spine issues. It is important to start intensive physiotherapy and strengthen the back muscles through activities such as swimming. If numbness or deficits occur, a consultation with a neurosurgeon would be recommended. However, all conservative measures should be exhausted first. Your orthopedist can initiate these. Kind regards

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Experte für Orthopedics

Dr. med Ralf von Seckendorff

Dr. med Ralf von Seckendorff


Allgemeinmedizin (Fokus: Innere, Homöopathie/ Naturheilkunde/ Orthopädie/ Psychosomatik)

Expert knowledge:
  • General medicine
  • Allergology
  • Otorhinolaryngology
  • Homeopathy / Naturopathy
  • Internal medicine
  • Pediatrics
  • Orthopedics
  • Medications
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