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Bending the leg quickly leads to pain.


my data is:

Height: 193 cm
Weight: 85 kilograms
Age: 22 years
Current occupation: Student (previously: IT specialist)

I have had a problem for several years (>5) that comes and goes at irregular intervals. The respective phases vary in duration; two weeks - several months. The symptoms are as follows:

When bending or flexing the legs (not extremely - approximately a 90 degree angle in the knee), for example during desk work or when driving, it takes between 15 - 45 minutes for a initially small pressure-like pain to occur in one knee joint. This pain quickly (usually within 5 minutes) becomes significantly stronger - on a scale from 1 to 10 up to 8. A brief full extension of the affected leg (usually 15 seconds is enough) almost completely eliminates the pain and bending the leg is possible again for a certain period of time. The right leg/knee is affected almost every time it occurs, less often the left leg/knee. The moment of extension is more painful, but after extending, the pain is practically gone as described above.

The problem is sometimes very disturbing, as the pain must be given in to. Car rides lasting more than 15 minutes are sometimes not possible without breaks.

I have never had any surgical interventions, no chronic diseases, no equivalent injuries to both knee joints, nor any particularly serious injuries to a single knee joint. I have carefully observed possible correlations with specific behavioral habits, eating habits, and/or the practice of certain sports without being able to establish a connection. There are no external abnormalities. The pain is best described as a "pressure" type, as if someone were compressing the knee from all sides with a vice.

There is one peculiarity: since these pains started occurring, my right knee has been making a continuous cracking sound when switching from bent to extended.

What could be the issue here?

Thank you very much,

Kind regards,

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