
Ask a doctor on the topic of Ophthalmology

Eye drops horror

Good day,

I went to the eye doctor on Monday because I sometimes perceived a kind of "flickering" in my left eye when moving. Upon arrival at the eye doctor, I first took a vision test, then the doctor's assistant administered eye drops to me in the waiting room. When I was with the doctor and explained my problem to him, he also gave me eye drops, twice (both eyes). So I received some kind of eye drops three times in total. The result of the examination: retina is fine. So far, so good.

Yesterday, I noticed that for some reason my eye drops were not properly breaking down. It was better than on Monday, but I still saw partially blurry (especially very close things, for example when reading). I should maybe mention that I have very different eyes, one is +2.5 and the other is -1.5 or so. Additionally, I was still sensitive to light and my pupils were still dilated. I called the doctor and the assistant was initially very surprised and didn't seem to know how this could happen, so she asked the doctor again, and he said that in some people it takes longer to break down than in others and I should wait another day, and if it's not gone by then, I should come back again.

Today, my pupils were still dilated. They have become smaller, but they should have been back to normal size by now. I called the doctor and the assistant just told me to come in immediately today, and when I asked if it could maybe wait another day, she just said no, this is not normal and urgent. I was completely panicked and went to the doctor again. I was in the same practice, but this time I saw a different doctor. He was also very surprised that I still have problems, but he doesn't seem too concerned. He said it seems to take a bit longer for me than normal, maybe because my eyes are simply more sensitive than others, but at least there seems to be a slight improvement compared to the day before (I showed him a picture of my pupil from the previous day). I should now wait until Friday, and if I still have problems then, I should come back and then they could possibly give me drops that make the pupils smaller again (today he didn't want to give me these drops yet, he said we'll wait and see before we "forcefully" make them smaller, and also these drops can cause headaches).

Now I wanted to ask again here if I REALLY shouldn't worry. I'm really afraid that I might go blind or lose my eyesight if I walk around with dilated pupils for so long. Is that dangerous? I'm trying to calm myself by the fact that it has been getting better every day since Monday, but it's just too slow for me.

I have also added two pictures of my eye, one from yesterday evening and the other I just took. Unfortunately, I couldn't upload them through the upload function of this page, so I uploaded them elsewhere.

My eye yesterday evening:

My eye today at noon:

As I see it, there is hardly any difference. How can all this be happening? What could be the causes? I am slowly getting desperate and regretting that I even went to the doctor on Monday. Normally, I never had such problems with eye drops. But as I said, I also got them three times. Maybe it was too much.

What do you think?

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