
Ask a doctor on the topic of Ophthalmology


At the age of 12, my daughter (now 23 years old) was diagnosed with a large retinal detachment (8:00-2:00). The cause was attributed to an accident. From a medical perspective, it was suspected that the retinal detachment must have been caused by some sort of impact. Due to the diagnosis, Anika underwent surgery at the University Hospital in Jena on May 11, 2001.
1. The retinal detachment was repaired with laser beams;
2. The lens of the eye was removed and replaced with an artificial lens;
3. The retina was reattached with silicone oil.

After the operation, part of the retina detached again above the area where it was repaired. Additionally, there was significant wrinkling on the retina. My daughter underwent another surgery on May 23, 2001. The retina was secured with additional materials (straps) this time.
After this operation, it became evident that the retina still would not hold. A third operation had to be performed on July 17, 2001.
1. The edges of the retina were lightly incised and lasered again;
2. This time, the artificial lens had to be removed as well;
3. The silicone oil had seeped behind the lens.

After this operation, the eye was severely inflamed, and my daughter could only see the light of a flashlight with that eye. The vision in that eye was already minimal at that point. Due to her growth, this vision has since been completely extinguished by further scarring. Now, after 11 years, it appears that the eye is gradually shrinking as a result of the many treatments, often becoming inflamed and painful. My daughter must constantly use eye drops to endure this condition.

Even worse for her is the constant fear of losing the eye entirely. During examinations, there are indications that in a subsequent operation (as silicone oil needs to be changed or renewed at intervals, with increasing shrinkage of the eye, with increasing pain), the eye could rupture completely and be lost. My daughter definitely wants to avoid this, and she suffers from a constant fear. Additionally, the family also suffers greatly from this aspect.

I am now searching for a very, very good doctor or clinic with the latest techniques and experience in the field of eye preservation after multiple severe retinal surgeries. I would like to describe the problem in writing to this doctor and request an appointment for a consultation. The location of the clinic does not matter, as we can travel there by car for an evaluation at any time.


Dr. med. Michael Schröter

Good morning,

one of the most renowned eye clinics with an international reputation is the University Eye Clinic in Tübingen.

University Eye Clinic
Prof. Dr. Zrenner
Schleichstraße 12
72076 Tübingen

Wishing you all the best

Kind regards

Dr. Schröter

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Experte für Ophthalmology

Dr. med. Michael Schröter

Dr. med. Michael Schröter


Seit 10 Jahren niedergelassener Frauenarzt, vorher Oberarzt der Universitäts-Frauenklinik Tübingen


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