Physical or psychological discomfort?
Symptoms of the body:
My entire skin burns, especially the muscle attachments (arms, legs) hurt more intermittently.
I quickly get muscle soreness after exertion, which also lasts longer.
I feel weak (very tired in the evening), but this varies in intensity (better with Ritalin).
It temporarily improves with adrenaline release (high stress at work).
I have a hand tremor (like my father), which temporarily improves with alcohol.
Fructose intolerance was diagnosed positively through a breath test, gastroscopy and intestinal examination were inconclusive (no Candida or other issues).
I always have a white/yellowish thick sticky coating on my tongue, which increases quickly with sugary foods (floury taste, scrapable with a tongue scraper).
Symptoms of the mind:
I had a very controlling mother (I was the emotional contact person as my father was more focused on work than home). (I am currently in psychological treatment). I have been treated for depression several times: SSRIs showed little effect, it improved with Bupropion, and best (symptom-free) with Ritalin. I was prescribed Ritalin due to an ADHD diagnosis, but the treatment was discontinued by the doctor (without explanation). A subsequent diagnostic psychologist could not confirm ADHD through d2 and performance tests. I still have difficulties with concentration (word omissions/letter omissions, missing parts of sentences (since school)). The psychologist also noted that I tend to self-pity.
Sometimes I feel like I can't trust myself, as desires I had one day can turn into strong aversions the next. Or small things (e.g. cold floor) that were already known to me, which bothered me but I accepted, inflate into elephants of consciousness and then my thoughts begin to circle very strongly around the problem.
I can get very angry, sometimes feeling like anger is suffocating me.
Often I have uncertain feelings (emotional fog, struggling to articulate my desires or assert myself) (improves with alcohol or Ritalin).
There is often a deep-seated hatred within me that manifests through impatience and overreactions. Often I can only control my frustration through alcohol.
I am especially frustrated with myself, as I feel like I hit my limits very quickly. I have to ask myself too often why things are not working again.
I ask for help! I believe that a physical ailment is exacerbating or triggering a psychological one.
I ask for advice on which direction to continue searching. I am tired of fighting with myself.
In addition, there are family problems with my partner.