Headache, left side for 10 days.
I have been experiencing headaches on the left side for the past 10 days, from the temple up to the forehead, along with a feeling of pressure behind the eye up to the temple. There were no findings from the ENT doctor, sinuses are clear. No findings from the ophthalmologist. Eye pressure and vision strength are normal. I work a lot on the PC, since the onset of symptoms I have reduced work to a maximum of 4 hours per day. Additionally, I sometimes experience twitching below the left eye in the eye ring area. I feel that it has improved a little in the last 2 days, however, the feeling of pressure and pain in the temple area (pulsating veins) is still present. I never usually have headaches. I have an appointment with a neurologist in 2 weeks, so I wanted to know in advance what it could be and how best to behave.