
Ask a doctor on the topic of Gynecology



I am 37 years old, already have 2 children (12 & 13), and since March of this year, I have been experiencing light red blood in my discharge during mid-cycle. My gynecologist explained that this is likely ovulation bleeding, as the examination and smear test showed no abnormalities. In April, I also experienced a slight bloody discharge. However, in May and June, after intercourse in the middle of my cycle, I again had blood in my discharge and also felt a pulling sensation in my left groin.
My cycle is approximately 28-30 days long. I am currently on day 20 of my cycle and yesterday evening and this morning, I noticed a very small amount of blood after using the bathroom. I also have a pulling sensation in my lower abdomen. My next period should be due on July 18th.
Unfortunately, I was only able to schedule an appointment with my gynecologist for next week and I am now worried.
I would greatly appreciate a response.
Gabi H.

Dr. med. Michael Schröter


The bleeding in the middle of your cycle could actually be related to ovulation. The fact that you are now experiencing lower abdominal pain and additional bleeding suggests more of a cyst on the ovary that is producing hormones. This also explains your lower abdominal discomfort. It is important and correct to have an ultrasound examination to confirm the suspected diagnosis. This can be regulated with a progestin preparation that you take for 12 days in your cycle (2-3 months).

You do not need to worry today, as the previous examinations were all normal. This disturbance is simply based on a hormonal fluctuation, which can occur and is allowed at your "age".

Perhaps, due to your symptoms, you can arrange an appointment with your gynecologist sooner.

I wish you all the best.

Kind regards,

Dr. Schröter

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Experte für Gynecology

Dr. med. Michael Schröter

Dr. med. Michael Schröter


Seit 10 Jahren niedergelassener Frauenarzt, vorher Oberarzt der Universitäts-Frauenklinik Tübingen


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