Pregnant despite taking the pill and using a condom?
Dear Sir or Madam,
My question is as follows:
I started taking my new birth control pill (Valette) on October 28, 2009. Following my gynecologist's advice, I started taking it without waiting for my period.
After about 10 days, I experienced continuous bleeding. I consulted my gynecologist and he mentioned that this can happen sometimes, but protection is still present.
Unfortunately, I vomited the second-to-last pill from the blister pack one hour after taking it. However, the next day, I stupidly took the last pill at the usual time. On the day I vomited the second-to-last pill, my husband and I had intercourse, but we also used a condom as an additional form of contraception, since I wasn't sure if I was still protected or not, and because I was still experiencing bleeding.
Last Wednesday, I took the last pill and had bleeding until Monday or Tuesday (very light spotting). I always took the pill on time (within 24 hours), and if I missed the 24-hour window, I still took it within the following 12 hours.
The condom did not slip off or tear. Only when I was sitting on the toilet after intercourse, I noticed a slimy fluid with a bit of blood on the toilet paper. Now I am very afraid that this could have been sperm and that the pill did not provide protection due to my vomiting.
My breasts are slightly tender and nipples are a bit sensitive, and I have some cramping in my lower abdomen.
Is it possible that I have become pregnant despite taking precautions?
Thank you in advance.