
Ask a doctor on the topic of Gynecology

How often can one give birth by caesarean section?

Good day,

I gave birth in 1994 via cesarean section under general anesthesia, and 6 days later I had a local peritonitis in the right lower abdomen which was treated by laparoscopy.

In 2003 and 2011, I also gave birth via cesarean section with spinal anesthesia. During the third cesarean section, it seems that you had to cut around the adhesions. The last two were done with a more gentle method. I had no problems with wound healing or anything else after all 3 c-sections.

My question is: How about a 4th c-section? How many c-sections can one hope to have? Possibly a new incision?

Kind regards,

Dr. med. Kathrin Hamann

Good day, I am happy to assist you.

It is very likely that you will give birth via C-section again.

This is recommended for safety reasons, as the risk is higher with a natural birth.

The incision will be made along the previous C-section scar. The scar tissue from the old scar will be removed, so you will only have one scar after the procedure.

All the best to you and your family.

Kind regards,

Dr. K. Hamann

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Experte für Gynecology

Dr. med. Kathrin Hamann

Dr. med. Kathrin Hamann


Seit mehr als 20 Jahren bin ich in der Medizin tätig. Als Fachärztin für Allgemeinmedizin helfe ich in meiner Praxis meinen Patienten.

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  • Gynecology
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