More questions about the rash
Hello again Mrs. Gehring, unfortunately I have to ask something again now, as my skin condition is still not improving properly. By now I have to say that the redness is not developing quite like it did back then and if you google drug rash it would fit quite well. Yesterday I at least had the positive feeling that many areas had already become lighter and I thought it was getting better now. Towards the evening, however, many areas started itching again (itching wasn't really present before) and then became a little more red again. I also have to say that the areas are already warm and I can feel that on my face (ears). I don't think I have a fever, as I also feel fine.
Now my questions, can it take a while for the body to deal with this?
My fear is still a severe form like the development of necrolysis - do you consider this to be excluded after 3-4 days without any real worsening? I probably read too much again...
My plan now would be to wait until tomorrow, if it doesn't get better, to have the doctors in Tübingen take a look or at least to have an allergy test done in the near future, do you think that's reasonable?
Thank you and greetings