
Ask a doctor on the topic of General medicine


Hello, 2 months ago I had Corona. Since then I have been suffering from digestive problems, bloating, and mucus in my stool. The mucus is only present when I have diarrhea, which only occurs once every few days. Blood tests are normal and lactose intolerance has been ruled out. I feel that when I eat sweets and chocolate, the symptoms occur. What could be the cause of this? Inflammation of the intestine? Colon cancer? Thank you for your response.

Christian Welsch

Dear questioner, here I would recommend having the stool tested for pathological disease-causing agents. It is known that coronavirus can also cause such symptoms without being infectious. In the case of cancer, I would expect to see blood in the stool and weight loss. In case of doubt, a colonoscopy would be necessary. Regards, Welsch

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Experte für General medicine

Christian Welsch

Christian Welsch


niedergelassener HNO-Arzt und Notfallmediziner, seit 15 Jahren regelmäßige Mitarbeit im allgemeinmedizinischen Notdienst

Expert knowledge:
  • General medicine
  • Allergology
  • Surgery
  • Otorhinolaryngology
  • Other questions to doctors
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