
Ask a doctor on the topic of General medicine


Due to a COP, I was treated with Prednisolone for 19 months, starting with 20mg and tapering down to 5mg, then the last 4 months with 2.5mg daily, and every 2 days I weaned off. After weaning off, I had no problems, just felt a bit tired. Two months after weaning off, the problems started: fatigue, weakness, lack of power, endurance, mild concentration difficulties, and morning joint stiffness. Today, after 3 months, the situation is even worse. I know that these are symptoms that occur after prolonged cortisone intake. My question is, is it possible for these symptoms to occur so late and for so long after weaning off, or should I consider other causes? If it is likely due to the Prednisolone therapy, how long should I expect to deal with this condition? Thank you, Detlev Bilan.

Christian Welsch

Hello Dear questioner, with such a long intake, it may well make sense to have your blood values and electrolytes checked as well... and if you did not have any "joint stiffness" under cortisone and it is now returning, it must also be checked whether a rheumatic disease is present.... I would not expect effects from tapering off for longer than 14 days... rather that you may notice that your underlying condition is worsening without cortisone...

It would be best to see your general practitioner or pulmonologist and discuss the further diagnostic and therapeutic procedure...

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Experte für General medicine

Christian Welsch

Christian Welsch


niedergelassener HNO-Arzt und Notfallmediziner, seit 15 Jahren regelmäßige Mitarbeit im allgemeinmedizinischen Notdienst

Expert knowledge:
  • General medicine
  • Allergology
  • Surgery
  • Otorhinolaryngology
  • Other questions to doctors
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