Back pain caused by lipoma
My background:
For the past 3 years, I have been suffering from daily back pain. Sometimes mild, sometimes extremely severe. I have already seen 2 orthopedists who have examined my hip and back, both with no findings and in the best condition. A surgeon diagnosed me with a slight inguinal hernia through palpation, but it does not require surgery. Otherwise, I am supposed to keep myself pain-free with Diclufinac.
On the other hand, I have a "lipoma" - I assume! - on the inner side of my right thigh, 1 cm from the transition to the upper body (size 5-7 cm). Through exercises, I have noticed that when I relieve the leg by elevating it, the pain partially subsides quite abruptly. Heat and cold also provide only minimal relief.
My question:
Could it be that the lipoma, being in motion (while walking) and being compressed (while sitting), is pressing on a nerve that is causing the pain in my back? I also have the impression that when the pain is present, the lipoma appears larger than when the pain subsides. Would removal be advisable?
Thank you for your help!