

Flush... Indication of Carcinoid?

Hello, I have a question for an experienced doctor who has experience in treating carcinoid syndrome. For about 5 years, after drinking alcohol, I have had a red face (flush). It usually takes about 5 minutes after drinking alcohol. Then my face st...

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More questions about the rash

Hello again Mrs. Gehring, unfortunately I have to ask something again now, as my skin condition is still not improving properly. By now I have to say that the redness is not developing quite like it did back then and if you google drug rash it would ...

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Hello, I am male, 61 years old, of normal weight. The only known problem is a benign, oversized prostate, which is being monitored by a urologist. I take Tamsulosin and Versikur. Regarding my problem: Just for your information, because I don't kn...

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Help Gentamicin allergy! Eye ointment!

Dear medical team! Yesterday, I was at the eye clinic because I injured my eyes with detergent. I was prescribed an eye ointment with antibiotics (GENTAX). Half an hour after using the eye ointment, I suddenly got ear pain and felt a dull pressure in...

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Which pill is the right one for me?

Hello, I have a question about birth control pills. About a year ago (maybe even 1.5 years), I stopped taking the pill called Maxim. After 6 months, I started getting pimples. First on my forehead, then between my eyebrows and ears, then on my cheek...

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The ears are itching.

Hello, my ear has been itching for a long time. I have already been to various ENT doctors. No inflammation. What could it be then? What can I do? Best regards

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Hello, for the past few days I have been experiencing occasional itching/tingling in my right ear. What could this be? I have been prescribed Otovowen by the ENT doctor, but it has not completely gone away. What could this be?...

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Demodex mites or scabies or what could it be

Good day, For 2 months now I have been suffering from itching without a rash, pain, or visible "bite wounds". About 3 months ago, I got a puppy, which was infested with Demodex mites in numerous spots about 7 weeks ago (she received bravecto), and sh...

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Circulatory problems where they come from

Dear Sir or Madam, I am reaching out to you because I am feeling desperate as I am unable to find a solution to my health issues. The problem is as follows: Until April 2014, I was perfectly healthy, active, in good condition, and had no health pr...

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Hearing problem

Dear Sir or Madam, I often have the problem that suddenly, for a few seconds, I hear less on one or both ears and it makes a monotonous noise. It feels like being muffled, never completely gone. This sensation usually disappears after about 1-2 minu...

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Pulsating ringing in the ears when moving.

Hello, Regarding myself: I am male, 27 years old, non-smoker, only drink occasionally, but I am quite overweight because I unfortunately often eat fast food and sweets. Since yesterday, I have occasionally noticed a high, pulsating noise in my ears...

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Further diagnosis

A hepatic cyst measuring 1.4 cm was diagnosed during an MRI examination. I also have symptoms such as itching of the nose, ears, and eyes, as well as anal and skin itching, and breathing problems. Should I have this investigated further?...

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Flu that doesn't go away

I caught a very bad flu, worse than I have in a long time. Progress: On Sunday, 01/25/2015, I started feeling weak in the afternoon. In the evening, I started experiencing mild joint pain. The next day, I had a high fever, almost 38.4 degrees Celsiu...

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Vitamin Infusion

Hello, I received a vitamin C and folic acid infusion, which I have had many times before. However, last time, after about 5 minutes, my nose became blocked, my face swelled up, and my ears were pounding. I had never had any problems before. What cou...

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Problem feeling arms

Good day, I am 23 years old and last night I had the feeling that my left arm was losing a bit of strength and was tense, there was also a slight pull in my left cheek and in my left leg. This morning I went to see my general practitioner and he sen...

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Tinnitus problems!

Good day, I have been having problems with my ears for some time now. About me: I am male and 26 years old. It all started about half a year ago when I noticed a kind of "crackling" in my left ear from time to time. It always occurred as an echo of...

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Neck problems with ear pressure and stiffness

Dear Sir or Madam, The fact that I am asking a question about health conditions in an online portal is a proof of my helplessness. I am aware that without a thorough examination, it is very difficult to make a diagnosis - therefore, I am describing ...

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Cold and Exercise

Hello everyone, on Friday I felt a bit sick with a runny nose, a sore throat and ears, and feeling a bit sluggish, but only intermittently, no fever or body aches. I had an important football game on Friday evening which I played, although at a slowe...

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Cold and soccer

Hello everyone, quick question, I have a slight cold, a bit of a runny nose and my ears are a bit blocked. I also feel a bit under the weather physically. I have a very important football game tonight. I'm not in top shape, but can I play without any...

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Dizziness central directional predominance

Hello, yesterday I went to my ENT doctor because of dizziness and did a balance test (warm and cold water in the ears, dark glasses, eyes recorded by video camera, caloric test?). From the ENT side, everything seems to be okay, but I was referred to ...

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