

Investigations in triplet pregnancy

Good evening, my wife and I are expecting triplets after artificial insemination (ICSI). She is 39 years old and in the 12th week. The reason for the ICSI was that I had too few sperm. We had two fertilized eggs implanted, which resulted in twins. ...

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Consequences of thrombosis Phlebology

Hello, I was diagnosed with a deep vein thrombosis (right leg) in August 2019. I was prescribed blood thinning tablets (Eliquis) and thrombosis stockings. I was supposed to take the tablets and wear the stockings for 6 months, so the therapy ends at...

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A very very important friend of ours was diagnosed with lung cancer 11 months ago. Surgery was no longer an option. He had metastases in his head as well as in his hip bones. The metastases were treated with radiation. Immunotherapy did not work. For...

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MRI findings Arachnoid cyst

Good evening, my name is Tim, I am writing regarding my fiancée Ayessa (25 years old). She has an MRI report (4 months old, unfortunately only received today) with the assessment: Right temporo-basal 3.7 x 2.1 x 1.7 cm measuring, most likely an arac...

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Are circulatory disorders visible in the ECG?

Dear experts, I am a 35-year-old female and have been a non-smoker for a year now (due to these complaints). I have been experiencing heart problems for many months. Over time, they have worsened and become more frequent, particularly occurring duri...

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Polyphase rate

Dear Dr. Gehring, I suffer from generalized fasciculations. EMGs have been inconspicuous so far, now with persistent fasciculation in the right calf there are no spontaneous activities, but a slightly increased polyphasic rate in the myotome at the r...

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Understandable explanation of the findings

I have an evaluation from a radiologist (MRI of the head) and would like to try to understand the diagnosis to some extent: Patient Male. Born 27.02.1946 Slightly enlarged brain sulci. Average interhemispheric fissure. The ventricular system is aver...

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IgG-3 deficiency

Hello, after a long search and ruling out sugar and other causes, it was determined that my igG3 value is too low at 19.5. The other values are igG-1 = 16, igG-2 = 31, igG-4 = 164. A few weeks ago, a Vitamin D deficiency (10) was also detected. Th...

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Poor laboratory values

Hello. Ten years ago, I had 120 cm of small intestine removed in an emergency surgery due to an accident (ileum above the ileocecal valve) and a mesenteric tear in the area of the sigmoid colon was repaired. Additionally, there was a brief suspicion...

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Pain in the leg

Hello, I have been experiencing severe pain in my right buttock and throughout my right leg (thigh, calf) for a few days. The middle three toes have a numb feeling. I am unable to sit or lie down. The pain is also present when walking, but it lessens...

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Building inspection vs. MRI

A friend has stated that she had a laparoscopy done based only on suspicion. This means that the doctor apparently needed to perform an invasive operation under general anesthesia to determine something in the abdominal area. Are there situations in...

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Dear Doctor, For the past 2 years, I have had a pretty bad blood count and none of my primary care doctors seem to want to help, which seems very suspicious to me. More and more issues are arising, but no progress is being made. I have now reached ...

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Medicine taken incorrectly

Hello, my mother (98 years old) has been diagnosed with atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter, suspected coronary heart disease, NSTEMI 2018, mitral and tricuspid valve insufficiency, as well as hypertension. She has been prescribed 1 Ramipril Isis ...

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When is a doctor's visit necessary?

Hello, For two weeks I have been experiencing stomach pain, which started with nausea and vomiting. Additionally, I also had diarrhea, which disappeared after two days. The pain occurs shortly after waking up, but it eases a bit after drinking some w...

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Uncertainty after CT and prolonged symptoms

Hello dear medical team, About me: male; 25 years old; 1.74m; 57kg; non-smoker (for 2 years) / do not drink alcohol (for 1 year). For the past year, I have been experiencing recurrent upper abdominal symptoms in the center, slight nausea, minimal pai...

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Hello, My daughter is 15 months old and has had bilateral breast gland swelling for some time. The doctor suspects early puberty, which many young children her age have. An ultrasound and a small blood test were performed. The doctor said that she ...

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Chronic pancreatitis or pancreatic carcinoma

Dear team, Here are the details: Since 2007, I have been dealing with issues in my abdomen. Pain, pressure, burning, etc. Blood tests, ultrasounds, and MRIs have been done, but nothing was found. These episodes have continued. MRIs were done in 201...

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unclear thyroid values

Hello, I have a question about my thyroid. My TSH (5.0), FT4 (1.71), and FT3 (4.97) levels are all elevated, which seems paradoxical to me if the thyroid's regulatory system is functioning properly. I am experiencing symptoms of hyperthyroidism (rapi...

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