

Question: Blood test for Lupus

Hello Mrs. Gehring, As you can see, I don't ask as often anymore, I hope it stays that way. Today I had another lupus check-up in Tübingen, and I just called quickly to see if everything is okay. The protein value in my urine is still present, but r...

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Demand sore throat and lupus

Hello, sorry again but two concerns are still bothering me, maybe you can calm me down or give me your assessment. Firstly, the sore throat in the morning/afternoon. This only occurs on one side - and if I remember correctly, I had the same symptoms...

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Demand for Lupus

Regarding your last question, according to your profile here one of your focuses is sexual medicine, does this question not go in that direction? Then I would like to ask again briefly, what do you think is likely in this case? But of course, we may ...

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Questions about the body

Hello again Mrs. Gehring, regarding the skin, I will try using Linola starting today. Do you consider these forms of illness (Sezary) to be nonsense? But overall, I also wanted to write about two other things that have been slightly worrying me late...

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Question Lupus

Hello Mrs. Gehring, once again I am unfortunately contacting you with a problem probably due to lupus. First of all, regarding the intake of the antibiotic - the sore throat ultimately went away, but of course, it may not have been wise to just take ...

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MRI findings Arachnoid cyst

Good evening, my name is Tim, I am writing regarding my fiancée Ayessa (25 years old). She has an MRI report (4 months old, unfortunately only received today) with the assessment: Right temporo-basal 3.7 x 2.1 x 1.7 cm measuring, most likely an arac...

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Understandable explanation of the findings

I have an evaluation from a radiologist (MRI of the head) and would like to try to understand the diagnosis to some extent: Patient Male. Born 27.02.1946 Slightly enlarged brain sulci. Average interhemispheric fissure. The ventricular system is aver...

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IgG-3 deficiency

Hello, after a long search and ruling out sugar and other causes, it was determined that my igG3 value is too low at 19.5. The other values are igG-1 = 16, igG-2 = 31, igG-4 = 164. A few weeks ago, a Vitamin D deficiency (10) was also detected. Th...

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Therapy and medicine in harmony?

I have a question about medications, I believe the combination of tablets and their interactions may not be good. My father suffers from several illnesses / Depression / Diabetes / Lungs (COPED) / Gout and water retention, etc., in addition to pain ...

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OD OSG and Arthrosis

I am 30 years old and have been suffering from osteochondritis dissecans in both ankles since my youth. The right ankle is now symptom-free. The left ankle underwent surgery in 2011 (retrograde drilling), Microfracture surgery with ligamentoplasty in...

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Lupus Findings Questions

Hello Dr. Gehring... In the meantime, I have been to the psychologist, with new interesting perspectives on my anxiety... but now my lupus is causing me real problems, perhaps as an experienced doctor you could give me another assessment! In the bloo...

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Question about CT

I recently had a CT scan of my sinuses due to a planned surgery for my deviated septum (see attachments). There is a strange-looking area visible in the brain. Out of curiosity, I asked my ENT doctor about it, but he couldn't tell me what it is eithe...

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unclear thyroid values

Hello, I have a question about my thyroid. My TSH (5.0), FT4 (1.71), and FT3 (4.97) levels are all elevated, which seems paradoxical to me if the thyroid's regulatory system is functioning properly. I am experiencing symptoms of hyperthyroidism (rapi...

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Reason to panic?

Hello, I had a risky contact today and would like to have your assessment, as I am very scared. I had unprotected rough oral sex and the condom broke (vaginally). I don't think my penis was completely exposed, I noticed it after a maximum of 1 minu...

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Hello, Last week I had already asked you about fasciculations in both calves, and since then I have also been to a neurologist. I also mentioned ALS to him. He conducted a complete neurological examination, which showed no pathological findings. Th...

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Questions regarding bradycardia

Hello, I quit smoking in February of this year. Thorax X-ray & lung function test at the pulmonologist were all okay, but a visit to the ENT resulted in a diagnosis of chronic sinusitis, which is currently being treated. The main reason for quitting...

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Pain conditions in different parts of the body

Pain in various body regions for several months, intensifying daily over the last 10 days. Stabbing, biting pain in the following areas: - behind the left ear - right shoulder - right forearm - lumbar spine area, especially pinpointed on the left sid...

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Skull deformation

I would like to ask if the shape of my head/back of the head is normal and if I could have a form of craniosynostosis like, for example, tower skull.

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thyroid gland

Hello, I have been struggling with the following problems for almost a year now: quick exhaustion, severe fatigue, a pulling sensation on the left side of my neck, night sweats, hot flashes, partially blurred vision in my left eye, tingling in limbs ...

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Chest X-ray - Assessment

Hello, I had a chest x-ray today. Is this a normal finding? (also in relation to the lymph nodes) Please only answers from radiological specialists. This is very important to me. Thank you in advance!...

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Trouble with hemorrhoids?

Dear expert, I have had a rather diffuse problem for about 3 months that I can no longer properly classify. In short, it started with problems with bowel movements. Despite having a normal soft consistency, the need to use the toilet was already ind...

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Exclusion of lymphoma CT

Hello, I now have the results from the CT scan. The report states: Along the cervical vascular axis, there is a significantly increased number of lymph nodes, mostly oval in shape and measuring up to 1 cm in diameter. There is a normal number o...

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