Exclusion of lymphoma CT
Hello, I now have the results from the CT scan.
The report states:
Along the cervical vascular axis, there is a significantly increased number of lymph nodes, mostly oval in shape and measuring up to 1 cm in diameter.
There is a normal number of lymph nodes present in both axillary regions.
There is a triangular soft tissue mass in the upper anterior mediastinum, most likely corresponding to thymic tissue. Otherwise, there is a slightly increased number of mediastinal lymph nodes, but the lymph nodes in the hilar regions on both sides are normal.
There are slightly increased numbers of lymph nodes along the aortic vascular axis in the retroperitoneal region, with most measuring only a few millimeters in diameter.
Increased number of cervical lymph nodes.
No suspicious lymph nodes indicative of lymphoma were found in the peripheral lymph node stations.
I have been experiencing loss of appetite since February.
This CT scan after 6 months seems to indicate that everything is normal now, right?
I was afraid of having lymphoma.