Company car with full cost coverage by the employee.
My employer offers the private use of a company car. The company car is financed by the employer through a full leasing rate. The rate consists (gross) of the pure financing (e.g. 700€) and a service fee (maintenance/insurance) ... totaling 200€ here. Therefore, the employer has costs of 900€ per month.
The ongoing expenses such as fuel/parking etc. are paid for separately.
The aforementioned 900€ are invoiced to me via salary conversion. Therefore, the employer has no actual costs. The cash benefit is determined using the 1% method. With a distance of 50km and a list price of 72,000 €, this results in a lump sum cash benefit of 1,800€ (720€ + 1080€).
What cash benefit arises in this case taking the "cap" into account?
In my understanding, the cash benefit is first reduced to the 900€ (= employer's costs). After deducting the employee contribution (900€) or taking into account the salary conversion, it should then result in no special tax burden. After all, the employer ultimately has no costs .... and thus I have no direct monetary benefit.
My (indirect) benefit is therefore solely the access to the large customer conditions (favorable leasing rate + service packages).
Unfortunately, I cannot find any information regarding the cash benefit for this "structure", since normally the employer covers the costs for the company car and does not fully (but possibly to a lesser extent) reimburse the employee....
The use of the large customer conditions is of course attractive .... but only if (significant) taxes do not apply.