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How are pension entitlements calculated in the case of a long-term illness?

Dear lawyer specializing in social security law,

My name is Paula Fuchs and I have a question regarding my pension entitlements in case of a long-term illness. For several years, I have been suffering from a chronic illness that makes it difficult for me to continue my professional activities. As a result, I have decided to apply for a disability pension.

However, I am wondering how my pension entitlements will be calculated in case of a long-term illness. My concern is that due to my limitations, I may no longer be able to maintain my previous standard of living. Therefore, it is crucial for me to understand how my pension is calculated and how my financial situation could evolve in the future.

Could you please explain to me which criteria are taken into account when calculating my pension entitlements due to my long-term illness? Are there any specific regulations or laws that could affect my situation? What options do I have to secure my financial future and what steps should I take in this regard?

I thank you in advance for your assistance and look forward to your expert advice.

Paula Fuchs

Fred Schönecker

Dear Mrs. Fuchs,

Thank you for your inquiry regarding your pension entitlements in case of a long-term illness. I understand that it is important for you to understand how your pension is calculated and how your financial future could be shaped. Therefore, I would like to explain in detail which criteria are taken into account when calculating your pension entitlements due to your long-term illness.

Various factors come into play when calculating a disability pension due to a long-term illness. Firstly, it is crucial whether you meet the requirements for a disability pension. This includes, among other things, that for health reasons you are no longer able to work at least six hours a day. Additionally, a medical assessment by the Medical Service of the Health Insurance (MDK) or the Medical Service of the Pension Insurance must be carried out.

The amount of the disability pension depends on your individual capacity for work. It is examined to what extent you are still capable of work and to what extent you can still work. Your previous income is taken into account to determine whether and to what extent a pension will be paid. It may also be that a partial disability pension is possible if you are still partially able to work.

There are legal regulations and provisions that can affect your pension entitlements in case of a long-term illness. These are regulated in the Social Code (SGB), especially in SGB VI (Pension Insurance). Here, the requirements for a disability pension as well as the calculation and amount of the pension are precisely defined.

To secure your financial future, it is important to apply for a disability pension early and submit all necessary documents. You should also seek advice from a competent lawyer specializing in social security law to clarify your rights and options as best as possible. Together, we can determine which steps you should take to secure your financial situation.

I hope my explanations have been helpful to you and I am available to answer any further questions you may have.

Kind regards,
Fred Schönecker, Lawyer specializing in Social Security Law

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Experte für Social security law

Fred Schönecker