
Ask a doctor on the topic of Ophthalmology

Seeing with glasses that are not properly aligned.

With glasses, I have a shifted or offset image (to the right and upwards). When I try to touch my nose, I instead touch my right eyebrow. Where does this come from? My right eye is weak. Visual acuity with optimal soft special contact lens: 30%, without: 10%. I can't see the right lens with the glasses on. Instead, the left lens occupies the entire field of view. I have congenital astigmatism. The values of my old glasses are: Left: +0.5/-0.75, Axis 9 degrees Right: +4/-5, Axis 176. Due to the aforementioned very unpleasant effect, I do not wear glasses. My new reading glasses would further strengthen the left side: +2.5 to +3/-1.5 to -2.5. The axis was not recalculated by the optician. A soft contact lens is not suitable for the left eye due to a diagonally upward bending long streak with letters and car headlights. I can't tolerate hard lenses. However, I can no longer read a newspaper/book without visual aid, unless the lighting conditions are very good. Could this offset vision effect come from a wrongly determined axis for the left eye? Did the former ophthalmologist perhaps want to do me a favor so that the left eye could also see the right side? Best regards.

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