
Ask a doctor on the topic of Ophthalmology

Eye discomfort after laser pointer attack.

I was illuminated with a green laser pointer (from the side, for about 5 seconds) and now, 6 hours later, I have burning eyes.
Is this a cause for alarm? My eye doctor once said that there isn't much that can be done after being targeted with a laser pointer. What can help with the burning?
Can a laser pointer beam "dry out the eye"?
How can one best protect oneself?
What if (small) burns have occurred on the eye? Can they be treated/diagnosed?

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Experte für Ophthalmology

Dr. med. Olaf Stephan

Dr. med. Olaf Stephan


Ärztliche Tätigkeit seit ca. 17 Jahren, durchweg im stationären Bereich, neben den o.g. Fachrichtungen Erfahrungen in der Intensivmedizin, Angiologie, Kardiologie und gastroenterologischen Endoskopie vorhanden.

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