Extensive symptoms - Stress or is there more to it?
L-Thyroxine 112, occasionally Neurexan.
Magnesium 400 (recommended by my general practitioner) has not been taken for 4 days.
4 weeks ago: Started experiencing severe tension in the jaw, which led to panic attacks due to the constant pain. After visiting the dentist and orthopedist, relief was achieved through a bite splint, and now I am relatively pain-free. However, I still occasionally feel pressure and brief "nerve pain" due to my wisdom teeth growing, which are scheduled to be removed in March.
3 weeks ago: Muscle twitches throughout the body began, along with tingling in the left index finger/right thumb, tension in the whole body. Improvement through movement and physiotherapy, but stress levels have not decreased significantly. I occasionally practice autogenic training/progressive muscle relaxation.
Out of fear, I had an MRI of the head with angiography, which was completely normal and without findings. I saw a neurologist, who did not notice any abnormalities in his tests and has scheduled me for Nerve Conduction Studies in February.
Now for the past 4-5 days: I constantly feel that my abdomen is tense and sometimes find myself holding my breath. In bed at night, I sometimes experience a feeling of shortness of breath and/or an adrenaline rush. Now I even notice that my eyes are nervous. I do not have any visual disturbances in terms of misinterpreting what I see, but throughout the day, it feels like something in my eye twitches for a split second, like a speck of dust or fuzz passing by. I can read, see, and understand everything clearly, my gait is also normal. I saw an eye doctor, who suspected at most a vitreous opacity/corneal curvature, but I do not see any "floaters" or similar; it is just fractions of a second, like a speck of dust/fuzz/impulse. I feel that my eye reacts oversensitively to minor details in the image, such as real flies, dust, or smoke. These are like small impulses, like a little star - zap - or a blurry hair quickly passing through the image. If a light bulb flickers, I get very nervous and panic, thinking that something is wrong with my eyes. My general practitioner also suspects a stomach ulcer due to a mix of medications taken 1-3 weeks ago (ibuprofen 600, AHP 200, magnesium supplements, etc.) and possibly a tonsillitis because my tonsils are pus-filled. The results of the swab test will be available tomorrow.
I request an interpretation of my symptoms and advice on what to do. I also have an appointment with a psychotherapist, as I want to learn how to manage my stress levels. Do you have any further suspicions about what could be causing these symptoms? The eye issue is what worries me the most.