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Unclear increase in CK value


During a blood test, an elevated CK level of 324 (normal range 190) was found for the first time.

I am male, 27 years old, have an office job, and unfortunately only rarely exercise, so I rarely strain my muscles. At the same time, I am currently under stress and daily mental/physical tension. Additionally, I have been taking the antibiotic Domycyclin for 7 days until yesterday, due to a bacterial ENT infection. Furthermore, I have had chronically elevated liver values for about half a year. A liver biopsy revealed mild fatty liver without signs of activity. Current values are GPT 80 (normal range 50), GGT 65 (normal range...

Dr. med. Hendrik Bernau

Dear inquirer, if I interpret your question correctly, you are concerned about the increase in your creatine kinase level.

You mention that you recently took an antibiotic; I assume you are referring to Doxycycline (which also fits the indication for respiratory diseases). You also mention being exposed to mental and physical stress.

First of all, an elevated CK level, if it occurs once, is not immediately cause for concern. Many factors can play a role here, including the increased physical stress you mentioned or the combination of tetracyclines (antibiotics) you have taken. For example, values of up to 1000U/l can be explained by unusual physical exertion. Muscle injury or a recent (intramuscular) vaccination is also an indication of an increase.

It would be interesting to know when the blood test was done and if you have taken or are taking other medications in the meantime.

Regarding the second part of your question, I can reassure you that an elevated CK level is hardly related to liver dysfunction. Although the values you mentioned are elevated, I would not assume an acute dysfunction given the mentioned antibiotic intake and your medical history. I assume you are being regularly monitored for your mild liver steatosis.

Pay special attention to your eating and drinking habits with your diagnosis and try to reduce the mental/physical stress you mentioned. Try to extend your rest periods and continue to have your liver values checked regularly.

I hope I could help you. If you have any further questions, I am always available to assist.

Wishing you good health.
Best regards,

Dr. med. - anonymized -

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Experte für Internal medicine

Dr. med. Hendrik Bernau