
Ask a doctor on the topic of Internal medicine

Glomerular filtration rate low. Cause for concern?

I have a question regarding the following values: Glomerular filtration rate & Creatinine.

Laboratory January 2016: GFR: 118.33 ml/min/1.73 / Creatinine: 0.80
Laboratory May 2016: GFR: 76.31 ml/min/1.73 / Creatinine: 1.17

I am 33 years old, male, 198 cm tall, with an average blood pressure of 130/80 and no diabetes. Only my uric acid levels are slightly elevated chronically.
In January 2016, an ultrasound of the abdominal organs including the kidneys was performed as part of a colonoscopy without any findings.

The low GFR of 76 suggests, according to my research, kidney damage. Should this value be of concern to me or can it be disregarded?

Dr. med. Ralf Berg

Good evening,

You don't have to worry too much. Just make sure to drink enough water and then have your creatinine level tested again. In most cases, it will be back in the normal range (i.e. around 100 or higher for your age, creatinine under 1.0).

The GFR of the kidneys also fluctuates. Especially with mild dehydration, the value can increase very quickly. If the value continues to be low, a urine sediment examination would be recommended to rule out kidney inflammation as the cause.

So, don't panic, but keep an eye on the value. In your age, inflammatory or immunological kidney diseases can occur. You should also check for protein loss through the urine with a test strip.

I hope this information helps.

Best regards, Dr. R. Berg

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Experte für Internal medicine

Dr. med. Ralf Berg

Dr. med. Ralf Berg


Studium an der Universität Freiburg
Promotion überdas Monitoring bei Narkosen Universität Freiburg.
Facharztausbildung zum Anästhesisten und FA für Allgemeinmedizin in Freiburg und Hamburg,
Vorlesungsassisten am Lehrstuhl für Allgemeinmedizin an der Uni Hamburg

Rettungsdienstliche Tätigkeiten in Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Niedersachsen, Baden-Württemberg, Hessen und in der Schweiz.

Seit 1998 in eigener Praxis niedergelassen, Nebentätigkeit als Anästhesist und Notdienstätigkeit in Kliniken und ambulant. Leitung von Fortbildungs- und Qualitätszirkeln, Mitglied im DHÄV und der AGSWN, Qualitätszirkel Moderator, Forschungspraxis der Universität Heidelberg , Ausbildungspraxis für Allgemeinmedizin im Rahmen der Verbundweiterbildung der Uni Heidelberg

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