hcg value low
January 15, 2015 | 20,00 EUR | answered by Dr. med. Ralf Berg
I have been overdue since December 30, 2014 and my hcg level was 126 on January 5 and 357 on January 12. Is it normal for it to rise so slowly? The clearblue digital still shows 1 to 2 weeks. I also have light reddish to brown bleeding that only goes away when I lie down. I must also mention that I had a conization in 2010 and an ectopic pregnancy in 2012.
Good day,
The answer to your question is not simple. Yes, there are faster increases in HCG levels, but there is a large range of variation. The conization is irrelevant in this case. However, the fact that you already have a EU pregnancy is not. Your light spotting could indicate difficulties with implantation, or that the corpus luteum is not developing properly. A check-up with your gynecologist to see how the fertilized egg is doing will be necessary. If everything doesn't go 100% smoothly, the body will terminate the whole process in the early stages of pregnancy.
These are possible causes, but as I mentioned, there are also "late developers" where the values can still rise quickly. Given your medical history, my advice is for you to seek guidance on this matter from a gynecologist.
With best regards,
Dr. R. Berg
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