
Ask a doctor on the topic of Gynecology

Flight during very early pregnancy

Dear medical team,

My husband, 45, and I, 39, are looking to conceive a child. The potential start of a pregnancy would be exactly three days before the start of a previously booked medium-distance flight - four hours. Is there a specific increased risk for the fetus in this case, or would the journey at such an early stage be considered completely safe?
First day of menstruation: July 23, period duration: 27 days, departure: August 22 to Tenerife.

We would be very grateful for a response!

Kind regards,

Kerstin + Rainer Henkel

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Experte für Gynecology

Dr. med. Susanne Plotz

Dr. med. Susanne Plotz


Ausgestattet mit jahrelanger, klinischer Erfahrung im Bereich Gynäkologie und Kinderheilkunde, Beraterin mit Leidenschaft, Gesundheitsexpertin, Autorin mehrerer medizinischer und nicht medizinischer Bücher, bin ich für SIE da!

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