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Moderna vaccination and postoperative Enoxaparin injections - dangerous?

Today I had my 2nd Moderna COVID-19 vaccination. The first vaccination was at the end of March with AstraZeneca. When asked about medications, I forgot to mention that I am currently injecting Inhixa 40mg. I had ankle surgery and my right foot is in a so-called Walker (Vacoped boot). However, I am allowed to fully weight bear. Are there any risks to be feared from the Moderna vaccination and the Inhixa injections? Normally, I only received 10 injections from the hospital. After leaving the hospital, the orthopedic surgeon advised me to continue injecting until I no longer need to wear the boot (mid-June) due to my higher weight. I have not injected today yet.

Dr med Hans-Jürgen Bartels

Hello, I think it is not a problem to continue getting vaccinated. Moderna is an RNA vaccine and the impact on blood vessels is negligible. Best regards, Dr. med Bartels.

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Experte für General medicine

Dr med Hans-Jürgen Bartels