Chronic infection for 6 weeks with irritating cough, bronchitis, pharyngitis, ear.
Good morning,
I have been struggling with one or more infections for the past 6 weeks. It all started with fatigue/weakness and mild fever, followed by a cough (1st week) and then a severe bronchitis (2nd/3rd week). I went to see my primary care physician, who initially prescribed Gelomyrtol, then added Salbutamol for easier breathing, and finally an antibiotic (Clarithromycin) in the third week, which unfortunately did not help (as it was likely viral). I still completed the course of antibiotics as prescribed. My lungs always sounded clear when listened to. I had some phlegm during the bronchitis phase, but it was minimal and mostly cloudy/white.
In the 4th week, I felt fine for a while. I had a slight cough occasionally, but overall felt good. However, after three or four days, the cough worsened again, I had a fever, and felt wiped out, more like a cold this time. My primary care physician did a blood test, which came back normal. By the end of the 4th week, the symptoms had improved, but the cough remained. In the 5th week, I developed a throat infection. The ENT doctor said my vocal cords looked slightly irritated, but not concerning. The constant coughing had caused some blood in my saliva, and my throat was burning. I do not have any pollen allergies, and the ENT doctor said there was no indication of allergies despite the season. After three days, the throat pain subsided, and coughing reduced. There was no more blood in my saliva/phlegm.
Today (6th week), my throat is fine, my larynx and voice feel normal. However, I am experiencing pain in my left ear at the level of the upper jaw (middle ear?). The cough is still present, but much milder and less frequent.
Question: Is all of this still within the normal range for spring infections? My ENT doctor seemed to dismiss my concerns last time, as if saying "It's just an infection!" Besides the famous "infection cycle," are there any other explanations as to why I seem to be collecting and experiencing every respiratory infection out there for weeks now?
It's starting to take a toll on me mentally. While I feel good physically at the moment (energetic, active), I have been sick for 6(!) weeks.