black in front of the eyes
Hello, I am 47 years old and have had a noticeable hardening on the right side of my neck for more than 30 years. Out of fear of a cancer diagnosis, I have never consulted a doctor. Recently, I have been experiencing problems with blacking out in front of my eyes. This is so severe that I can no longer read any text. It usually lasts about 30 minutes, comes and goes gradually, and is also associated with flickering in front of my eyes. I visited the doctor this week because of this. He initially referred me to an eye specialist and also mentioned a skull MRI, as he suspects something may be pressing on the optic nerve. My question is whether my symptoms could be related to the hardening in my neck and what that hardening could be. I actually rule out cancer, as it would have likely grown out of my system after 30 years. Sometimes when I turn my head, I also experience a slight cracking in my neck. For about the same amount of time as I have had the hardening, I have also had issues with anxiety, which have always been attributed to a previous heart muscle inflammation. I hope you can tell me how I can be helped, thank you very much.