
Ask a doctor on the topic of Dermatology



last week I went to the dermatologist because of two "weird" moles, but they turned out to be nothing. In October, I will also have a skin cancer screening. Now I have discovered another mole with a black spot and I am a little bit worried. I tend to be a bit hypochondriacal. However, I am pretty sure that this mole has been like this for a long time. Does it look dangerous?

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Experte für Dermatology

Dr. med. Olaf Stephan

Dr. med. Olaf Stephan


Ärztliche Tätigkeit seit ca. 17 Jahren, durchweg im stationären Bereich, neben den o.g. Fachrichtungen Erfahrungen in der Intensivmedizin, Angiologie, Kardiologie und gastroenterologischen Endoskopie vorhanden.

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