Englischen MRT Bericht Huefte in Aerztedeutsch uebersetzen
ich habe in England ein MRT von meiner Huefte anfertigen lassen (2 Jahre Schmerzen bei Hueftflexion ohne in Deutschland eine Diagnose bekommen zu koennen trotz dort auch MRT). Ich verstehe Englisch, kann den Bericht aber nicht auf Arztedeutsch uebersetzen. Kann mir jemand helfen der vielleicht in beiden Sprachen praktiziert?
Indication: Chronic right hip pain. On active hip flexion exercise. Iliopsoas? Rectus femoris? Negative on hip impingement signs. Slight loss hip internal rotation. Hypermobility.
Routine protocol.
Dedicated small field-of-view images through the right hip joint been obtained.
Findings: the small field-of-view oblique fat saturated proton density images demonstrate increased signal intensity on the deep surface of the right rectus femoris straight head attachment on the anterior inferior iliac spine consistent with tendinopathy. No discrete tear identified. The reflected head is normal in appearance.
The iliopsoas tendon and bursa is normal.
Sartorius, tensor fascia lata and remaining upper anterior hip muscles are normal.
The adductor muscle group is normal.
The hamstring and short hip external rotator muscles and tendons posteriorly are normal.
Small field-of-view images demonstrate incomplete tear of the superolateral right acetabular labrum. No full thickness labral tear or labral displacement. No para labral cyst. The articular cartilage of the hip is normal. No jip joint effusion of synovitis. No loose bodies.
No stress reactions or stress fractures within the pelvis or proximal femora.