

Strange beard growth

Hello, for about three quarters of a year, I have had a spot on my face where my beard stubble looks strange. More specifically, it looks like there is a hole there, but only when the beard is very short. However, if I don't shave for a while, it be...

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I see red spots or veins when I open my eyes.

Hello dear medical team, let me introduce myself briefly: I am a 46-year-old woman, a smoker for 30 years (had a preventive smoking CT scan last year, everything was fine), I am 1.68 cm tall and weigh 70 kg. I don't do much exercise, I jog about twic...

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Good morning, I am very desperate about my eyes. I took Latanoprost comp but my intraocular pressure did not decrease, it was 28/28 and I experienced heart problems and coughing. I have now been lasered on my left eye and the pressure is 34/34, I am ...

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black in front of the eyes

Hello, I am 47 years old and have had a noticeable hardening on the right side of my neck for more than 30 years. Out of fear of a cancer diagnosis, I have never consulted a doctor. Recently, I have been experiencing problems with blacking out in fro...

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3D recording of the retina

I have two questions: 25 years ago, I got hit in the eye with a snowball. At the time, I didn't go to the eye doctor because I didn't think the injury was too serious in my early 20s. Recently, during a routine check-up five weeks ago, a 3D scan of m...

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Vertigo Translation: Vertigo

Dear Sir or Madam, I (32) have been living with multiple sclerosis for 13 years, and have been injecting Copaxone since 2006. In January, I experienced my first relapse in 5 years. I also have known heart rhythm disorders and tachycardia. For the pa...

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Very heavy bleeding for 20 hours.

I am 57 years old. I have not had a period for 8 years, only 3 times have had light bleeding. On March 23rd, bleeding started again, sometimes more, sometimes less. When the bleeding did not stop after several weeks, I went to the gynecologist who pe...

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Shortness of breath

Dear Doctor, I occasionally experience shortness of breath in the winter, which seems to happen more frequently. I went to a pulmonologist who didn't find anything, then I had an allergy test which revealed that I have a dust mite allergy, although ...

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Lyme disease versus psychosomatics

Background:   Hypersensitization since November 2009, swine flu vaccination September 2009, and flu vaccination Sep. 2009 (information about the last treatments) Since 14.01.2010 unable to work, sudden dizziness and drowsiness with visual disturbanc...

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Fear of throat cancer Hypopharyngeal carcinoma

Good day, I am afraid of having throat cancer. I have had a lump feeling in my throat, throat burning, strange pulling pains in the throat that also radiate to the ears for about 8 weeks. An ENT doctor diagnosed a throat inflammation because the thro...

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