
Ask a doctor on the topic of Otorhinolaryngology

Fear of throat cancer Hypopharyngeal carcinoma

Good day, I am afraid of having throat cancer. I have had a lump feeling in my throat, throat burning, strange pulling pains in the throat that also radiate to the ears for about 8 weeks. An ENT doctor diagnosed a throat inflammation because the throat is minimally reddened and prescribed me an antibiotic. Another ENT doctor identified a blocked nasal breathing due to a deviated septum, which in turn causes a dry throat, which should explain my symptoms.
In the last 8 weeks, I have been examined 4 times in the throat, laryngoscopy, examination with a angled optic and once with an endoscope through the nose, and everything was fine. Now I have read that a hypopharynx carcinoma is often not detected during an examination and can be overlooked, and this statement worries me greatly.
I am terrified of having this type of tumor, also because my symptoms are not improving and I have not experienced this sensation before, burning, pressing, and pulling. What should I do now? I can't go back to the ENT doctor again. The whole situation is affecting me a lot personally and professionally, I sit there and can hardly think of anything else.
Thank you

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Experte für Otorhinolaryngology

Dr. med. Olaf Stephan

Dr. med. Olaf Stephan


Ärztliche Tätigkeit seit ca. 17 Jahren, durchweg im stationären Bereich, neben den o.g. Fachrichtungen Erfahrungen in der Intensivmedizin, Angiologie, Kardiologie und gastroenterologischen Endoskopie vorhanden.

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