02.05.2021 | answered by Thomas Kreutzig
Dear Sir or Madam,
since my 19th birthday - around 10 years ago - I have been suffering from chronic pain in the right perineal area (male), which started shortly after I moved out of my parents' house, intensified over a few days, and are now const...
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21.12.2019 | answered by Ive Dr. Schaaf
for several months now, I have been experiencing dizziness attacks every day. After visiting the doctor multiple times, he mentioned that it could be caused by stress.
At my request, an MRI was done on my head and also on my cervical spine. ...
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08.11.2019 | answered by Hans-Jürgen Bartels
I noticed a small lump next to my knee about 2 weeks ago, which was painful to touch. Just before that, I was jogging as usual. The pain lasted for about a week. My primary care doctor referred me to a phlebologist, who was also unsure and sent me fo...
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15.10.2019 | answered by Frauke Gehring
Good evening,
my name is Tim, I am writing regarding my fiancée Ayessa (25 years old).
She has an MRI report (4 months old, unfortunately only received today) with the assessment: Right temporo-basal 3.7 x 2.1 x 1.7 cm measuring, most likely an arac...
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30.07.2019 | answered by Ive Dr. Schaaf
I have an evaluation from a radiologist (MRI of the head) and would like to try to understand the diagnosis to some extent:
Patient Male. Born 27.02.1946
Slightly enlarged brain sulci. Average interhemispheric fissure. The ventricular system is aver...
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23.04.2019 | answered by Frauke Gehring
I, 53 years old female, drank excessively at a cozy get-together at home on Friday. I then went to bed and - this has never happened to me before - fell out of bed. My husband then tried to talk to me and I was able to respond. However, I noticed in ...
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03.04.2019 | answered by Frauke Gehring
My name is Daniel Wallner, still 29 years young.
Since the end of August 2018, I have been experiencing unknown upper abdominal pains that are constantly present in the center under my chest. Sometimes more, sometimes less. Not radiating. In October ...
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04.03.2019 | answered by Christian Welsch
Hello and good day,
My daughter has been experiencing strong pain in her left foot for months. She is 11 years old. Unfortunately, the pain is getting worse. She can hardly put weight on her foot anymore. Recently, an MRI was done. As a result, two d...
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15.02.2019 | answered by Frauke Gehring
My wife currently has a series of symptoms, the causes and potential connections of which are not entirely clear. Here is the "list"...
- Several months ago, unusual tingling/discomfort in one thigh at night, stronger than usual after exerti...
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27.11.2018 | answered by Felix Aaslepp
after noticing a swelling below my left knee on the inside at the beginning of the year, my orthopedist sent me for an MRI. It is said to be a lipoma. Follow-up MRI with contrast dye scheduled for early 2019. Additionally, I have had a thick ...
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19.10.2018 | answered by Felix Aaslepp
A friend has stated that she had a laparoscopy done based only on suspicion. This means that the doctor apparently needed to perform an invasive operation under general anesthesia to determine something in the abdominal area.
Are there situations in...
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23.06.2018 | answered by Ive Dr. Schaaf
Today we received this MRI report and would like to know what it means.
The examination shows a focal rectal lesion in the form of circumferential thickening of the rectal wall and a decrease in the lumen.
The image has a longitudinal extension of ...
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25.05.2018 | answered by Felix Aaslepp
I am 30 years old and have been suffering from osteochondritis dissecans in both ankles since my youth. The right ankle is now symptom-free. The left ankle underwent surgery in 2011 (retrograde drilling), Microfracture surgery with ligamentoplasty in...
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15.05.2018 | answered by Nadja Struß
My daughter is 15 months old and has had bilateral breast gland swelling for some time. The doctor suspects early puberty, which many young children her age have. An ultrasound and a small blood test were performed.
The doctor said that she ...
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12.02.2018 | answered by Nadja Struß
the following background information:
About 3 weeks ago, I had a severe cold which led to a middle ear infection. The middle ear infection then resulted in tinnitus, which was treated with Prednisolone (in addition to antibiotics). The follo...
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01.12.2017 | answered by Ive Dr. Schaaf
Dear team,
Here are the details:
Since 2007, I have been dealing with issues in my abdomen. Pain, pressure, burning, etc. Blood tests, ultrasounds, and MRIs have been done, but nothing was found. These episodes have continued. MRIs were done in 201...
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12.11.2017 | answered by Christian Lössel
I recently had an MRI of my head done, including contrast material. My question is, what is the white spot on the left side and which region does it affect? My symptoms are different sized pupils (left side larger) and dizziness. Thank you, Daniel....
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21.02.2017 | answered by Christian Theiß
Good morning,
six months ago, an MRI of my neck was done to investigate something in the ENT area. The MRI apparently extended into the shoulder/back area and found, among other things:
Hemangioma-typical, non-space-occupying lesions medial to the ...
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11.02.2017 | answered by Frauke Gehring
I, male, 36 years old, weight 130 kg at 1.86m height, smoker have been having the following problems for about 1.5 years now. It all started with occasional discomfort around the navel. Shortly after, I also started experiencing back pain (jus...
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04.02.2017 | answered by Frauke Gehring
Hello Mrs. Höllering, I am almost dying of fear. During my examinations, the Troponin levels were strongly elevated and rising, with a BNP value of 236. No one addressed the heart failure. This was ruled out by heart ultrasound and MRI.
Dear Sir or ...
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03.02.2017 | answered by Frauke Gehring
Dear Sir or Madam,
I was admitted to the hospital on Tuesday. Troponin value at 7:45 am = 107 and CK value 53. Suspected heart attack. Blood 6 hours later Troponin: 97. Now echocardiography and lung CT were done: without findings.
24 hours later the...
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03.02.2017 | answered by Frauke Gehring
I have been struggling with the following problems for almost a year now: quick exhaustion, severe fatigue, a pulling sensation on the left side of my neck, night sweats, hot flashes, partially blurred vision in my left eye, tingling in limbs ...
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24.01.2017 | answered by Frauke Gehring
I have back pain in the lumbar area, which started in early 2015. I have had countless sessions of physiotherapy and participated in rehabilitation sports. In July 2016, I underwent further diagnostic tests at Charite, ruling out rheumatic diseases. ...
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12.10.2016 | answered by David Meyer
Dear Dr. med.,
A brief overview of the history: my husband had a left-sided undescended testicle "corrected" with medication at around 1.5 years of age (the testicle was partially not in the scrotum until primary school age, pendulum testicle? and i...
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17.08.2016 | answered by Frauke Gehring
Hello...I have a question. For 3 days now, I have been experiencing numbness in the inner thigh, part of the buttock, and right groin area, as well as difficulty with bowel movements (constipation). I have been having issues with my lumbar spine and ...
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