

Feeling of pressure in the ear.

Hello, At Christmas, I suddenly had pressure in my ear, went to the ENT who did all tests with no findings, said I should take cortisone nasal spray and do pressure equalization, it got slightly better. Since yesterday, I have had a massive feeling o...

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Persistent jaw pain after sneezing

Dear doctors, I am seeking assistance with the following problem: Pain in the left upper jaw, dark, throbbing, Missing teeth 25-28, History of maxillary sinus surgery. Chronic maxillary sinusitis on the left, Pollinosis, mite, decongestant nasal sp...

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Equalizing pressure dangerous?

Hello Yesterday evening, I did a pressure equalization maneuver twice. This means holding my nose and blowing forcefully. This Valsalva maneuver. Now I read somewhere on the internet that this maneuver is dangerous and can cause embolisms or a strok...

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Hello, since Tuesday I have had a cold with sinus pain. Today it's already a little better, I can breathe again without nasal drops. Yesterday, when I spoke, I perceived a buzzing in my right ear. In the evening in bed, there was a kind of humming o...

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Nervous tingling due to tension.

Hello, I regularly (one or two times per year) experience slight tingling (no pain) in my left foot, left hand (wrist), and left side of my head, usually accompanied by slight dizziness. These sensations in all three areas simultaneously fluctuate in...

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Nose after nasal bone fracture......

I had a smooth nasal bone fracture at the end of April. The doctor told me that in this case, there was nothing to be done and the nose would heal normally. However, I felt that something had thickened internally (even though nothing was visible ext...

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facial pain

Hello, I have been experiencing pain in the right side of my face and ear area for about 10 days. It started with a feeling of toothache near the right tip of my nose (upper jaw canine tooth), but the dentist couldn't find anything wrong after taking...

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For the past year, I have occasionally experienced a short, sharp headache in my forehead that occurs when I quickly bend down (head forward), do push-ups, cough, or even on roller coasters with negative G-forces. I exercise, do not smoke, and have n...

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