
Ask a tax advisor on the topic of Sales tax / Turnover tax

Is a sales tax pre-registration necessary for reverse charge?

I have founded a small business (including the small business regulation) as of June 1st. Now I would like to issue invoices to EU countries using the reverse charge procedure and of course using a VAT ID. Do I have to submit a monthly or quarterly VAT return now (which would then be a zero report each time?) or does it not affect me at all, because I do not charge any VAT at all? And even if I no longer fall under the small business regulation at some point, I still do not charge VAT. What do I have to report now?

Kind regards, Julia Kress

Steuerberater Knut Christiansen

Good morning Mrs. Kress,

Thank you for using

Regarding your question, I would like to provide you with the following information.

As a small business owner according to § 19 UStG, you generally do not have to submit a sales tax pre-registration. This also applies if you issue invoices to foreign countries, as the recipient of the service is responsible for the sales tax (Reverse Charge). Also, submitting a summary statement (ZM) to the Federal Central Tax Office is not required according to § 18a para. 4 UStG.

However, if you receive services from abroad, you would be responsible for the sales tax as the recipient of the service under the Reverse Charge procedure. In this case, a sales tax pre-registration would be necessary.

If you are no longer a small business owner, you would have to report these sales in the pre-registration, even if you do not owe any sales tax (line 50 "Non-taxable other services according to § 18b sentence 1 No. 2 UStG").

But you may have input tax (= sales tax invoiced to you) that you can claim back, resulting in a refund for you.

I hope this answers your question, if not, please feel free to contact me again.

Best regards,

Knut Christiansen
Tax consultant

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Experte für Sales tax / Turnover tax

Steuerberater Knut Christiansen

Steuerberater Knut Christiansen


Ich beantworte Ihre Fragen zur Immobilienbesteuerung, Einkommensteuer, Umsatzsteuer, Gewerbesteuer, GmbH-Besteuerung, Finanzbuchhaltung, sowie Erbschaft- und Schenkungsteuer. Gerne stehe ich Ihnen auch auf anderen Gebieten für Fragen zur Verfügung.

Expert knowledge:
  • Tax return
  • Income tax return
  • Value-added tax (VAT)
  • Capital assets
  • Input tax
  • Sales tax / Turnover tax
  • Inheritance tax
  • Severance pay
  • Annual financial statement
  • Profit and loss statement
  • Rental / Leasing
  • Trade tax
  • Corporate tax
  • Balance sheet
  • Payroll
  • Double taxation
  • Real estate taxation
  • Gift tax
  • Association taxation / Non-profit status
  • Business start-up
  • Tax advisor fees
  • Other questions to tax advisors
  • Tax classes
  • Electronic income tax card (ELStAM)
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