
Ask a tax advisor on the topic of Real estate taxation

Can one acquire the right of residence or usufructuary right?

I will buy a condominium in which my partner will live. Purchase price of the apartment in need of renovation: 120,000 €. Estimated rental value: 4,800-6,000 €/year. I live in another apartment that I own. We do not have a partnership agreement. How can we structure this in the most tax-efficient way and also ensure his security in the event of my death? These are the options we have considered:
1. Transfer ownership for free and leave him the apartment in a will, what are the tax implications of this?
2. He pays for the renovation/modernization. Can he "acquire" a right of residence or usufruct in this way? Could he then live tax-free?
Or is there another option that you can recommend to us?

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