Correction of incorrect booking of the input tax amount from the previous year.
Short information about the company: No double-entry bookkeeping, cash basis accounting, subject to VAT, booking in SKR03.
I have the following problem. When booking genuine damages (not subject to VAT), input tax of 19% was mistakenly deducted (due to software error with input tax automatic function, typo). The booking was made in 2013. VAT return, EÜR (income statement), separate determination of income for 2013 have already been sent to the tax office. The question is, how should I proceed to correct the error?
Should I submit a corrected VAT return with a correction of the input tax amounts?
Due to the incorrect deduction of the input tax amount, the entries in the profit determination in the EÜR and separate determination of income are also incorrect.
Am I allowed to make correction entries for this case, and if so, in which year?