Received child support payments and scholarships are tax-free.
Hello, I have some questions regarding the income tax return.
Where exactly in the 2020 income tax return should I enter the maintenance payments (for children) from my ex-spouse, whom I have been receiving since last year, and who has been divorced for four years?
To claim maintenance payments for our children, I had to hire a lawyer. Can I also claim these costs in the income tax return? I read that you could cautiously enter this in the miscellaneous expenses section, but I do not have this as a self-employed individual. If these costs are deductible, where exactly can I report them?
I have reported a tax-free scholarship (tax-free according to §3 No. 11 EStG) in the income-surplus calculation. Do I need to also report this in the income tax return? If yes, where exactly should I do so?