Extraordinary burden
Dear Sir or Madam,
During my research on my issue, I came across your offer and hope that you can help me.
I am divorced and pay child support for a minor child. The mother has sued me for higher child support as well as payment of allegedly overdue child support since 2005. The family court ruled that there is no arrears and that I have actually paid too much child support over the years. Additionally, a payment amount was set that was lower than what I was already paying at that time. As is often the case in family law, however, the court and attorney fees were divided independently of the specific fault.
I claimed the court and attorney fees incurred by me as an extraordinary burden in my 2010 tax return. The costs for the legal dispute regarding child support were not recognized in the tax assessment. The following was communicated to me in response to my objection:
"Only the direct and unavoidable costs of the divorce process can be considered as extraordinary burdens (§ 33 EStG). This includes, due to the mandatory connection, the costs for the regulation of pension equalization (§ 137 para. 1 and 2 no. 1 FamG), as far as the spouses have not effectively excluded this. Divorce follow-up costs are also not considered inevitable, even if one spouse cannot prevent the inclusion of divorce follow-up matters in the divorce procedure because the other spouse has requested it. Because under the current family law, divorce follow-up matters (other than pension equalization) such as spousal and child support, visitation and custody rights (§137 para. 2 FamG) can also be regulated without the involvement of the family court. Therefore, the costs of the legal dispute regarding child support are not deductible as an extraordinary burden."
That's the quote. I do not agree with this information, especially since similar expenses (child support, visitation and custody rights - my ex is very litigious) have been recognized in the past.
I have until December 9, 2011 to inform the tax office whether I maintain my objection. Please let me know if I have a chance of success.