Pilot residing in Germany / working in Austria / where is he liable for taxes?
Dear Sir or Madam,
I would like to request information, however, it is necessary that the person providing the information is familiar with Austrian and German tax law as well as the tax-specific regulations for aviation personnel:
I have been employed as a pilot at an Austrian airline since the middle of this year. My taxes and social security contributions have been automatically deducted by my company in Austria.
However, my place of residence is still in Germany (North Rhine-Westphalia).
My employer schedules me as follows:
17 consecutive days of work in different locations abroad, followed by 13 consecutive days off at home in Germany, including vacation days.
Therefore, I work 204 days per year abroad, mostly in Europe and the Far East. Stays in Germany or Austria during the 17-day work period are rare, only about 20 days per year in total.
Therefore, I do not spend more than 183 days in Germany or Austria per year.
As far as I know, I am not considered a "cross-border commuter".
As far as I know, there are special tax regulations for aviation and maritime personnel due to their international deployment, which prescribe that employees are taxed at the location of the airline company.
Now, my questions regarding the above situation:
1.) Is there a possibility for me to claim back the taxes paid in Austria based on the 183-day rule within the annual (Austrian) tax return?
2.) If 1.) is not possible, would there be another statutory regulation or exception for tax savings other than the 183-day rule?
3.) Do I still have to submit a tax return in Germany and how should I proceed there?
4.) Can the tax office in Germany demand taxes from me?
Thank you for your information!